Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Trash snacks

An interesting discussion at work this week about the snack boom of the Eighties (though I'm sure the genesis must have been in the Seventies) and a Google quest to find coloured Space Raiders. Needless to say, there are communities out there dedicated to this stuff, but as yet, we have been unable to verify whether the snacks were actually multi-coloured at any point. I firmly believe not, having been an aficionado of all things crispy since I can remember. Though I could be wrong.

And what I can remember first is Snip-Snaps. They pre-dated the maize craze, and were - in the words of the immortal (Intriguing that I can find no reference to the Shropshire variant of scollop on the mighty internets...) Sexy Stan - 'all potato, boy'. They were delicious though. A product of our school tuck shop (yes, there was one, but don't be fooled into thinking that I was whisked away in the family Bentley for a term at The Grange and a damn good rogering from the prefects. It was just a room in the corridor that sold crisps, pop and chocolate) and unknown to me until I saw an older boy munching on some (Snip Snaps) as he crossed the Quad (actually, it was the playground, but I may as well continue the fantasy of my fictitious public school upbringing) But once I tried them, there was no turning back to the soviet era Smiths Cheese 'n' Onion, though I think I only ever managed to buy about three packs (of Snip-Snaps) in my entire life. I can find no reference to them (either) now. However (unlike the coloured Space Raiders) I know that they existed.

I have continued to be an eager participant in snack innovations as they have developed, fondly embracing Tangy Toms (my work colleague was a little suspicious of these at first, holding as he does an aversion to fresh tomato. He realised quickly that he needn't worry, when the snacks were shown to bear not the remotest relationship to any kind of fruit or vegetable known to man, but were in any case absolutely scrumptious) Quarter Backs, Monster Munch, Frazzles, etc.

Discos - especially salt & vinegar flavour - were another favourite, with my colleague (again) disappointed on trying a Communion wafer that the experience wasn't more Disco-like.

Me, I love Onion Rings. Om nom nom.

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