Friday 15 October 2010

Pissing it away


We live in a country where 23 out of the 29 members of our 'elected' government are millionaires. Is it any surprise that there is bugger-all attention paid to the terrifying demise of the world around us? If ever the phrase 'fiddling while Rome burns' was apposite, surely this is it. We watch our TV screens, our iPods and iPads, our Androids... and we see the utter havoc caused by floods in Pakistan.

We must of course remain optimistic. There is the inherent short-termism of our human race always at the heart of everything we do, but I see only the shadow. Any sense of humanity we might once have dreamed of is slowly but surely undergoing strangulation. What does it matter to some faceless, nameless internet commenter that the scarce resources in the most populous areas of the globe are becoming ever more difficult to find? Why should we give a toss when the people living in less fortunate countries than our own strike out across continents to seek solace on our shores?

At the same time, Francis Maude, George Osborne, David Cameron and 20 others in our 'cabinet' continue to cream the benefit of their inherited property, bolstered by bogus expense claims. None of this renders any action irrelevant of course. It's just that, well...

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