Monday, 26 January 2009

Class D

Listening to the Today Programme this morning on the bus, and couldn't help but snort loudly at an interview with some prick from the Magistrates' Association who was on to protest at the (further) re-classification of cannabis to a Class B drug. Not so much this, actually, as what he was decrying as the obfuscation of the issue by newly issued Home Office guidance on dealing with cannabis, which now recommends a fixed penalty for possession. His point, for what it's worth, was that this guidance was causing confusion amongst the morons in the chair at the Magistrates Courts and undermining the principles of community justice.

Whatever the rights and wrongs of the laws and the wars on drugs (and I think you might be able to guess on which side of the divide I sit) I found it to be incredibly insulting that, when asked, this pillar of the community didn't know which other drugs were also included in the B classification. Neither, as it happens, did Ed Sturton, so the matter was dropped. This is a paraphrase of the segment of the interview as I remember it:

ES: Just to clarify, what other drugs are included in Class B?

MG (Magistrate Guy): You've got me there. I'm not the sort of person to get involved with Class B drugs...
ES: No, neither am I. So, if you don't know, and I don't either, let's not go there.

Now, I wasn't fully aware of the drugs in Class B, but I thought (correctly as it happens) that speed might have been one of them. Here is the current Home Office guidance, which has since this morning been amended to reflect the changes discussed on the Today programme. Speed (unless used to inject) Ritalin and Pholcodine (whatever that is) are included. Magic mushrooms are Class A, while ketamine is Class C! I ask you.

Well, don't even get me started on the later interview about the DEC Gaza appeal with someone from UNRWA and a very shouty James Naughtie...


Anonymous said...

Talking about things moral and legal; with Obama's recent attack on Pakistan and his fervent desire to keep the American Empire on track, when can we expect a "Backwards Barack" clock on your site?

Myeral said...

Both 'moral' and 'legal' are relative terms, no? I have not never subscribed to Obamamania neither. So there!

Anonymous said...

Not sure that "legal" is a relative term within a given legal system is it?

Anyhoo, not touching "moral" with a barge pole.

My drug of choice these days is Marstons Double-Drop so don't really feel qualified to comment on that lot either. I did feel a slight pang of outrage when I noted that shrooms are a class A drug now but then they bloody should be!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Myeral,

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I have already tested that your feed works so if you want to give it a go just drop me an email (bob.bevan @ or give me a call (01258 857411).



Anonymous said...

"not never"? Doesn't that mean you did?
Also, I fully expect the man travelling inside [but not under the floor or inside the engine] of the Clapham Omnibus to be expecting a Backwards Barack clock sometime soon.

English Marie said...

i think apple skin should be class A as it's been dipped into 40 baths of acidic machin-chose before it gets to one's mouth.But then it's perfectly legal- and relatively cheap

Myeral said...

Much as I'd like to reply to everyone, I'm unable as I've been licking the back of a toad.

Anonymous said...

It's easier to use a stamp if you have a letter to send. Although not an Indian Rubber one or indeed a ruffian bringing his clog down.
If you do have to use a toad, make sure it's a real one and not a frogery.

Myeral said...

In reply to EP. That would surely depend on the given legal system, would it not? The British one is based on precedent and open to the interpretation of - among others - our oh-so well informed magistrates. It's also relative if you happen to be an MP, a Lord or a diplomat. It is indeed relative over time as well.

As for the mushrooms, well, I wouldn't touch them with a barge pole, but I still don't think they should be Class A.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure how precedent affects relativity. It does mean that the law changes over time but is that the same thing?

The other aspects are not examples of the law being relative but of it being circumvented.

In fairness I will concede that the law is often relative in practice but don't think it is or should be in theory.

I was being somewhat tongue-in-cheek (as opposed to -on-toad) in my last remark. "Do what thou wilt..." as far as I am concerned. Wouldn't be a perfect system but pretty much anything has to be better than the "war on drugs", God help us.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me but, is that my donkey in your picture?

Anonymous said...

If her Brittanic Majesty s Government wish to really do something about drugs then they should start by outlawing these "drugstores" that have appeared recently.

Anonymous said...

Hey Shirley, you ain't no dame

Unknown said...

excellent blog

Myeral said...

Muchas gracias. Shalom!

Anonymous said...

Dear Penthouse,
You ll never believe this but, just a couple of days ago as I was walking home after a swift half, a vision in sky blue swept me off my feet, took me to his room and proceeded to force hormones from my glans by means of a great sleeping-bag of a tongue that even I could not compete with. He never told me his name but he didn t need to as he practically wrote his life story across my back with saliva.

Anonymous said...

Dear Basement

Stop getting above yourself.

Thank you.